picked state

New Feature: “Picked” Photos

We’re excited to announce a new feature for Optyx, “Picked” photos!

Here’s how it works. You’re probably already familiar with Ratings and Color Labels to categorize and cull your photos which work directly on the XMP metadata. This is great for interoperating with other tooling, but we’ve heard loud and clear that our users want a lighterweight option too. Now with “Picked” photos, you have a flag to cull photos that is Optyx-specific, ultrafast, and won’t affect your metadata!

This feature is an ideal fit for quickly narrowing down your photos in Optyx before applying other metadata properties or exporting to companion tooling.

picked state
Use the “Picked” flag to quickly filter your photos in Optyx before applying other metadata properties

Let us know what you think and happy culling!

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